On 26 October 2013 07:36, Mark Lawrence <breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> I can't see it being a bot on the grounds that a bot wouldn't be smart
> enough to snip a URL that referred to itself as a quack.

My thought based on some of the responses is that they seem auto-generated,
then tweaked - so not a bot per-se, but verging on it.

But OTOH, it can also be explained away entirely by (as you previously
noted) the Dunning-Kruger effect, with the same uninformed responses
trotted out to everything. Not necessarily a troll as I injudiciously
claimed in my previous post (I'd just woken up after 4 hours sleep - my
apologies to the list).

Anyway, not going to get sucked into this bottomless hole.

Tim Delaney

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