Am Sun, 03 Jul 2005 13:40:04 -0400 schrieb Peter Hansen:

> I do all my work using Scite (a nice free editor that was built to 
> demonstrate the Scintilla plugin that can also be used in Python 
> programs through things like the StructuredTextControl in wxPython), 
> with the auto-save-on-loss-of-focus feature enabled, and a command 
> prompt open in another window.

> I edit in the Scite window, hit Alt-Tab (under Windows XP) to change 
> focus to the cmd console (and instantly all my modified files are 
> saved), press the Cursor Up key to retrieve the previous command (which 
> is generally the name of my script, or a command like "python 
>"), and hit Enter to execute it.

I do the same thing without a command prompt, just pressing F5. SciTE
sure is a good editor :-)


Imagine being in a coma for a year and the hospital having to reboot your
life-support once a week. That would take a lot of the fun out of it.
As an aside, if I were on life-support, I'd rather have it run by a Gameboy
than a Windows box.       -- Cliff Wells, 2002/3/13, in comp.lang.python

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