Peter Hansen wrote: > anthonyberet wrote: > > What I would really like is something like an old-style BASIC > > interpreter, in which I could list, modify and test-run sections of > > code, to see the effects of tweaks, without having to save it each time, > > or re-typing it over and over (I haven't even worked out how to cut and > > paste effectively in the IDLE environment). > > I do all my work using Scite (a nice free editor that was built to > demonstrate the Scintilla plugin that can also be used in Python > programs through things like the StructuredTextControl in wxPython), > with the auto-save-on-loss-of-focus feature enabled, and a command > prompt open in another window. > > I edit in the Scite window, hit Alt-Tab (under Windows XP) to change > focus to the cmd console (and instantly all my modified files are > saved), press the Cursor Up key to retrieve the previous command (which > is generally the name of my script, or a command like "python >"), and hit Enter to execute it. > > So, any time I need to test the changes, I hit four keys (which at this > point is understandably more like a "chord" that I hit without direct > awareness of it) and I'm done. Sounds pretty close to old-style BASIC > and since I've come that route too (in the distant past), this may not > be a coincidence.
Just curious. Why do you Alt-Tab to a console when you can just hit F5 in SciTE? That's just 1 key instead of 4. And yes, SciTE can autosave here too. --