On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 17:35:16 +0100, anthonyberet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: ... > What I would really like is something like an old-style BASIC > interpreter, in which I could list, modify and test-run sections of
I use no IDE, just emacs for editing my sources, and a terminal window or two. And CVS for version control. Often I run Python interactively to try out small "one-liners". For example, I don't try to remember the slicing syntax, or what 'list("foo")' means, or if range(0) is legal, etc -- I just try it out interactively. If I get stuck or if the problem is non-trivial, or if I'm writing a standalone module, I use module unittest so I have something easily runnable at all times. This unittest code doesn't even have to be true unit tests -- it can be any speculative code I want, driven by the unittest framework. Between these two (interactive tinkering and unittest-based code) I feel little need for IDEs or 'environments for experimentation'. Others will feel differently, of course. /Jorgen -- // Jorgen Grahn <jgrahn@ Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu \X/ algonet.se> R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn! -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list