"Νίκος" <ni...@superhost.gr> wrote:
>Στις 1/7/2013 11:54 πμ, ο/η Antoon Pardon έγραψε:
>>> So shut your piehole and start proving yourself useful in this list.
>>> Or sod off.
>>> Preferably do the latter.
>> Oh we do have illusions of grandeur, don't we? You are in no position
>> to judge who is useful on this list or not.
>I'am not waste any more time explaining my self to you since you have
>already made up your mind and you refuse to believe that ni was
>trying to solve my problems first and then asked and then tried to
>the solutions, which in my my 2 last problems i was the one who
>solve the problem.
>Its easier to say to you "fuck off retard".
>What is now proved was at first only imagined!
I don't know about the other members of this list but I am becoming
increasingly disturbed by the rudeness and especially the foul language that is
being perpetrated on this thread. Please, if you have any decency at all,
continue the rest of this exchange by private email and allow python list
members to continue discussing and helping each other with the python language
and is adjuncts. Leave us in peace to enjoy our favoured language and let us
see no more of your filth.
Sent from a Galaxy far far away