Στις 1/7/2013 9:23 πμ, ο/η Antoon Pardon έγραψε:
Enough is enough. Iam not a troll, neither incompetent. Period.
No not period. You have by your behaviour made yourself a reputation
of being an incompetent inconsiderate jerk. You don't lose such a
repuation by simply claiming you are not.
Being a newbie doesn't mean that i'm incompetent jerk.
All i did was asking for help for issues i couldn't solve.
That what everybody would do if he couldn't help himself solve something.
You on the other hand never care to reply to any of my questions(so it
was in someway justified for you to say i didn't follow your advice),
but instead you seem to be willing to judge endlessly for the help i
receive from others.
You are continuously spamming the list and my threads with arguments of
trolling or not trolling instead of being helpful.
I as well as others are fed up seeing you post about me. Its over 2
weeks now and you still fight of whether i'm trolling or not.
So shut your piehole and start proving yourself useful in this list.
Or sod off.
Preferably do the latter.
What is now proved was at first only imagined!