Στις 30/6/2013 10:58 μμ, ο/η Robert Kern έγραψε:
On 2013-06-30 18:24, Νίκος wrote:
Στις 29/6/2013 8:00 μμ, ο/η Mark Lawrence έγραψε:

Why this when the approach to Nick the Incompetant Greek has been to
roll out the red carpet?

Your mother is incompetent who raised a brat like you.

That is not acceptable behavior on this list. Please keep the gratuitous
insults offlist.

Ι'm sorry but please put yourself into my shows, where in multiple threads i'm still discussed and being insulted as a troll and as an idiot and incompetent and stuff like that by lots of people who instead of actually replying to my posts they deviate and have endless conversation about me.

Enough is enough. Iam not a troll, neither incompetent. Period.

What is now proved was at first only imagined!

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