On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 9:01 PM, mogul <morten.gulda...@gmail.com> wrote: > 'Aloha! Hello! > I'm new to python, got 10-20 years perl and C experience, all gained on unix > alike machines hacking happily in vi, and later on in vim.
You are already awesome, > Now it's python, and currently mainly on my kubuntu desktop. and now you just became more awesome. (sans the Kubuntu part, but I do not care.) > Do I really need a real IDE, as the windows guys around me say I do, or will > vim, git, make and other standalone tools make it the next 20 years too for > me? Do you really think that those Windows idiots know what they are talking about? It’s Windows, for fuck’s sake. The only OS in the market that does not give a shit about POSIX. Windows does need an IDE, then, because it is really hard to do anything useful without one. Sure, this mail was sent from Windows, but I am using it for gaming purposes. If I want to do some programming, Linux is the proper environment. For me, it is Arch Linux with KDE and Konsole, running tabs of vim (with [python-mode][]) and ipython. And other useful tools (among others, Chrome with the docs.) [python-mode]: https://github.com/klen/python-mode > Oh, by the way, after 7 days I'm completely in love with this python thing. I > should have made the switch much earlier! That is great news. -- Kwpolska <http://kwpolska.tk> stop html mail | always bottom-post www.asciiribbon.org | www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html GPG KEY: 5EAAEA16 -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list