"mogul" wrote in message
I'm new to python, got 10-20 years perl and C experience, all gained on unix
alike machines hacking happily in vi, and later on in vim.
Now it's python, and currently mainly on my kubuntu desktop.
Do I really need a real IDE, as the windows guys around me say I do, or will
vim, git, make and other standalone tools make it the next 20 years too for
Oh, by the way, after 7 days I'm completely in love with this python thing.
I should have made the switch much earlier!
/mogul %-)
I'd say start with IDLE. I wouldn't exactly consider it an "IDE", but it
gives you a decent Python-oriented editor. For me it handles 95% of what I
need to do (for more ambitious projects, I use PyScripter on the Windows