On 12/29/2012 11:52 AM, Roy Smith wrote:
Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
Bracket matching
Language-sensitive auto-indentation
and automatically indents
Yeah, what he said, plus syntax coloring. And keyword highlighting.
And autocompletion of variable names.
I'll probably get dog-piled by the vim/emacs folks again here... but
isn't that something most decent text editors do?
On 12/29/2012 11:52 AM, Roy Smith wrote:
And parsing of error messages.
I'll pause a moment to let that sink in. Grok the fullness of just how
awesome a feature it is.
In emacs, for example. I'll do C-C M (which I have bound to M-X
Compile). This runs a command and captures the output in a buffer. If
the output happens to contain something like:
Traceback (most recent call last):
py", line 197, in runTest
File "/home/roy/songza/api2/test_api2.py", line 16, in test_get_api
data = requests.get(url('api/v2/')).json
File "/home/roy/songza/api2/test_common.py", line 13, in url
assert route.startswith('/')
emacs will parse that, highlight the filenames and line numbers and if I
type M-`, it'll take me to the line of the next error (including opening
the file if it's not already open).
I assume other smart editors have similar capabilities. Different tools
have different combinations of these, or slightly different
implementations. Find one you like and learn all of it's capabilities.
It makes a huge difference in how productive you are.
While I probably don't use the vast majority of the 'fancy' features of
most IDEs - most of what I do barely requires any real 'project
manangement'... there are a couple things that I've gotten *very* used
to with an IDE.
One is having it run pylint and pep8 checks against code, display the
output in a friendly format with links straight to the offending items
and even displaying colored carats in the gutter region and
high-lighting them.
The other is having it parse my imports, and use them for the
'auto-complete' aka 'code intelligence' features - and not just the
standard library stuff, but also GUI toolkits like PyQt4.
I'm pretty sure those things can be done, or something fairly close at
least, in editors like vim or emacs... but the few times I looked into
it for vim, it was enough to send me running back to Eclipse/PyDev, even
if it is kind of an 800lb gorilla otherwise.
It's still on my 'one of these days' list of things to do, though ;)