On Sunday, December 16, 2012 1:07:16 PM UTC-5, Mitya Sirenef wrote:
> On 12/16/2012 12:00 PM, Darrien Glasser wrote:
> > Hey guys, I'm working on a  Python rock paper scissors (lizard spock) game, 
> > and the beginning is 
> complete. After I finished it, I thought, "You know what? I think I can 
> make this even better, and add a score counter." And so I did.
>  >
>  > The problem is that it doesn't seem to actually keep track of score. 
> In fact it always keeps the score at 0 for both players. It's fully 
> functional otherwise, but it's bothering me that I can't get it to work.
>  >
>  > Currently using Windows Python 32 bit v2.6.8
>  >
>  > Download of the code here:
>  >
>  > https://www.box.com/s/2lupxeyk5jvsxs0zkdfb
>  >
>  > Copy of the code here:
>  >
>  > http://pastebin.com/MNdgiuSY
>  >
>  > Thanks in advance for your help...
> I was actually thinking of making a simple rock paper scissors game so I
> went ahead and cobbled it together, using a design with a class and
> generally a structured approach.. It keeps the scores, too, and you can
> set both players to be AI, or one to be AI, or both to be humans:
> https://github.com/pythonbyexample/PBE/blob/master/code/rockpaper.py
> (it needs python3 but can be easily changed to work with python2.x)
>   - mitya
> -- 
> Lark's Tongue Guide to Python: http://lightbird.net/larks/

Well there goes my hopes and dreams of being the first one to do that. Nice job 
by the way.

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