On Sunday, December 16, 2012 12:16:34 PM UTC-5, ru...@yahoo.com wrote:
> > Hey guys, I'm working on a Python rock paper scissors (lizard spock)
> > game, and the beginning is complete. After I finished it, I thought,
> > "You know what? I think I can make this even better, and add a score
> > counter." And so I did.
> > 
> > The problem is that it doesn't seem to actually keep track of score.
> > In fact it always keeps the score at 0 for both players. It's fully
> > functional otherwise, but it's bothering me that I can't get it to
> > work.
> > 
> > Currently using Windows Python 32 bit v2.6.8
> > 
> > Download of the code here:
> > https://www.box.com/s/2lupxeyk5jvsxs0zkdfb
> > 
> > Copy of the code here:
> > http://pastebin.com/MNdgiuSY
> If you are keeping the score in 'winx 'and 'winy' then you are adding
> one to the the values but not saving the results.
> I think you want 
>   winx = winx + 1
> or more concisely,
>   winx += 1

I changed it so that it said winx += 1 etc. and it doesn't seem to save it. I 
also tried pulling the variables from the loop and making them global variables 
at the top.

The latter game me a traceback error when printing out the results. Any ideas?


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