Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Nov 2012 07:18:42 -0800, Michael Herrmann wrote:
> > Thanks again for your further replies. So far, it's 4 votes for
> > 'send_keys' and 1 vote for 'type'.
> >
> > Regarding 'send_keys': To me personally it makes sense to send keys _to_
> > something. However, in our API, send_keys would not be called on an
> > object or with a parameter indicating the target. It would just be
> >
> > send_keys(ENTER)
> > send_keys("Hello World!")
> > send_keys(CTRL + 'a')
> "send_keys" is wrong, because you aren't sending keys. You're sending
> strings, except you aren't actually sending strings either, because
> "send" does not make sense without a target. You're automating the typing
> of strings, including control characters.

> I believe that your initial instinct for the name of this function was
> correct. It automates typing, so you should call it "type" or (for those
> paranoid about shadowing the built-in, "type_str".

I can too easily see somebody doing from module import *  
OR from module import type.


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