
thank you for your replies. So far two people said 'send_keys' and one person 
said 'type'. 

Steven, thanks for your reply. Sorry if the message title disturbed you. My 
personal feelings aren't too strongly against 'type' either, but then I'm 
afraid it might bother more experienced Python programmers who are used to a 
very different meaning of 'type'. Do you think that could be a problem?

Thanks again to all who have replied,

On Tuesday, November 20, 2012 1:18:38 PM UTC+1, Michael Herrmann wrote:
> Hi, 
> I'm developing a GUI Automation library (http://www.getautoma.com) and am 
> having difficulty picking a name for the function that simulates key strokes. 
> I currently have it as 'type' but that clashes with the built-in function. 
> Example uses of 'type': 
> type(ENTER)
> type("Hello World!")
> type(CTRL + 'a')
> What, in your view, would be the most intuitive alternative name?
> Here are my thoughts so far: I could call it 'press' but then our GUI 
> automation tool also allows you to click things and then "press" might be 
> mistaken for "pressing a button". A less ambiguous alternative is "type_keys" 
> but that is rather long and doesn't read as well, for instance in 
> type_keys(ENTER).
> Thank you very much!


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