On 2012-11-14 15:18, inshu chauhan wrote:
for this code m getting this error : CODE : def ComputeClasses(data): radius = .5 points = [] for cy in xrange(0, data.height): for cx in xrange(0, data.width): if data[cy,cx] != (0.0,0.0,0.0): centre = data[cy, cx] points.append(centre)
Look at this line:
change = True
It's indented the same as the preceding 'if' statement, which means that it's executed even if the body of the 'if' statement wasn't executed and it hasn't assigned to 'centre'. So 'change' has been set to True, the 'while' loop is entered, and subsequently an attempt is made to get 'centre', which hasn't been set.
while change: for ring_number in xrange(1, 1000): change = False new_indices = GenerateRing(cx, cy, ring_number) for idx in new_indices: point = data[idx[0], idx[1]] if point == (0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ): continue else: dist = distance(centre, point) if dist < radius : print point points.append(point) change = True print change
The indentation of this line looks wrong to me:
It'll affect the 'for cx' loop at the end of its first iteration, every time.
ERROR : Traceback (most recent call last): File "Z:\modules\classification2.py", line 74, in <module> ComputeClasses(data) File "Z:\modules\classification2.py", line 56, in ComputeClasses dist = distance(centre, point) UnboundLocalError: local variable 'centre' referenced before assignment And i am unable to understand .. WHY ?
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