On 11/08/2012 08:47 AM, inshu chauhan wrote:
> Actually data is neither a zanzibar nor a class nor a list.. its a yml
> image. with pixels
> I am trying to access pixels of a 3D image through this programme..

You want us to keep guessing?  And without supplying any new
information?  There's no such thing as a yml image in Python, though
there might be some library that supports such a thing with some class
structure.  And you just might have downloaded it from the
http://www.ymlgroup.com/obscurehiddenlocation/downloads site, and
imported  it using  from notzanzibar import DataType.

Then you'd have instantiated it in some code like
  data = DataType(filename)

and then the type of data would be notzanzibar.DataType  and the docs
would be probably available somewhere on www.invalid.com/docs

The only new guess:

A 3D image would presumably have 3 subscripts, and you're only supplying

If you want help, be explicit:

1) what version of CPython are you using, and on what OS?
2) what web site did you download some extra library from ?
3) what import statement did you use ?
4) How are all those global variables initialized ?
5) What command did you use to start the script ?  Did you run it from
command.com, or from some IDE ?
5) Exactly what error message did you get, including the traceback ?
6) What have you done to try to figure out your own error?



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