I attached a wrong file...Right file is attached here

On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 11:53 AM, inshu chauhan <insidesh...@gmail.com>wrote:

> http://www.ymlgroup.com/obscurehiddenlocation/downloads site, and
>> imported  it using  from notzanzibar import DataType.
> No i haven't downloaded it.. and this site is not opening...
>> Then you'd have instantiated it in some code like
>>   data = DataType(filename)
>> and then the type of data would be notzanzibar.DataType  and the docs
>> would be probably available somewhere on www.invalid.com/docs
> This site is also blocked here.
>> The only new guess:
>> A 3D image would presumably have 3 subscripts, and you're only supplying
>> two.
> Yes a 3D image has 3 subscripts but m trying to access all three through
> using only  2 subsscripts i.e X and Y
>> If you want help, be explicit:
>> 1) what version of CPython are you using, and on what OS?
> I am using 2.7.3 on windows 7
> 2) what web site did you download some extra library from ?
> The only extra libary i am using is Opencv , downloaded from
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/
>> 3) what import statement did you use ?
> import cv
> 4) How are all those global variables initialized ?
> see attached file
>> 5) What command did you use to start the script ?  Did you run it from
>> command.com, or from some IDE ?
> Yes I am running it through IDLE GUI
>> 5) Exactly what error message did you get, including the traceback ?
>  Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "Z:\modules\Masking_an_image_dynamically.py", line 155, in <module>
>     AccessPixels(data)
>   File "Z:\modules\.py", line 147, in AccessPixels
>     CreateMask(data, x, y)
>   File "Z:\modules\new_classification.py", line 110, in CreateMask
>     point = data[iy, ix ]
> error: index is out of range
> The line numbers here and the file attached may be different because I
> have removed a lot of print statements which I was using to debug the
> error..
>> 6) What have you done to try to figure out your own error?
> I have trying print out variables and Indices at each step..
> Zero Piraeus : Where are you ?

Attachment: Masking_an_image_dynamically.py
Description: Binary data


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