Dwight Hutto wrote:
> Chris Angelico wrote: 
> > honest. How do you feel? Interesting...
> >
> Um, I guess like an inconsiderate bandwidth hog, but from now on I'll
> trim more text.
> First it was too little, and now it's too much.

It is a fine line to walk and nobody does it perfectly all the time.
We just attempt our best.

> I just tend to cut out some or all depending on the scope of the conversation.
> If I just hit reply all, and send it out, it's not intentionally to
> use all of the text, and utilize the extra space, it's just a
> response.
> If the conversation is kind of just a few people, then I trim pretty
> much everything, which apparently set a guy name mark off, who I was
> polite to, but I'm not going to get slammed for a few simple posting
> mistakes, and more than likely a few of his aliases, or the group he
> tends to cheer up with.

Sorry, I did not mean to "slam" you by any means. I was just 
notifying you of the list's commonly agreed upon etiquette and
requesting future posts to attempt to adhere to that.

> It's just a mailing list, lighten up because mistakes in posting will
> happen, even by accident.

It's just a mailing list, lighten up because a few people trying
to help improve your communication to the rest of the group
may come off unintentionally as being "slammed" by the community. :) 

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