On 12/09/2012 08:19, Dwight Hutto wrote:
So used to google, forgot to check the python docs:
and this should be useful as well, which is from:
"I suspect you have the same problem I've run into. If you have a 64-bit
version of Python, it cannot load 32-bit DLLs. OpenCV currently only ships
32-bit binaries. If you want 64-bit .pyd and .dll files, you have to
compile them yourself. There are some
instructions<http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/VisualC%2B%2B>on the
OpenCV Wiki, but it's not for the faint of heart. Expect to have a
substantial time investment.
The easiest solution is to:
1. Uninstall 64-bit Python
2. Install a 32-bit distribution.
The PythonXY distribution includes pyopencv -- a good set of OpenCV hooks.
The only limitation is that it's 32-bit, so don't make plans to process
gigapixel astronomy data with it! ;)
If you *must* have the 64-bit version, follow these
get it OpenCV to compile with Visual Studio 2010. There's a discussion
on stackoverflow that describes building 64-bit apps with VC Express."
And again, check on the pywin mailing list
All very impressive, but as Dennis Lee Bieber has pointed out and which
I suspected there is a binary incompatibility between the OP's Python
version and pythonOCC version. Others would be able to see this for
themselves but you insist on sending email without context. Please
don't do this.
Mark Lawrence.