So used to google, forgot to check the python docs:
and this should be useful as well, which is from: "I suspect you have the same problem I've run into. If you have a 64-bit version of Python, it cannot load 32-bit DLLs. OpenCV currently only ships 32-bit binaries. If you want 64-bit .pyd and .dll files, you have to compile them yourself. There are some instructions<>on the OpenCV Wiki, but it's not for the faint of heart. Expect to have a substantial time investment. The easiest solution is to: 1. Uninstall 64-bit Python 2. Install a 32-bit distribution. The PythonXY distribution includes pyopencv -- a good set of OpenCV hooks. The only limitation is that it's 32-bit, so don't make plans to process gigapixel astronomy data with it! ;) If you *must* have the 64-bit version, follow these instructions<>to get it OpenCV to compile with Visual Studio 2010. There's a discussion on stackoverflow that describes building 64-bit apps with VC Express." And again, check on the pywin mailing list -- Best Regards, David Hutto *CEO:* **