On 2012-08-01 12:59, Roy Smith wrote:
In article <mailman.2809.1343809166.4697.python-l...@python.org>,
  Laszlo Nagy <gand...@shopzeus.com> wrote:

Yes, I think that is correct. Instead of detaching a child process, you
can create independent processes and use other frameworks for IPC. For
example, Pyro.  It is not as effective as multiprocessing.Queue, but in
return, you will have the option to run your service across multiple
You might want to look at beanstalk (http://kr.github.com/beanstalkd/).
We've been using it in production for the better part of two years.  At
a 30,000 foot level, it's an implementation of queues over named pipes
over TCP, but it takes care of a zillion little details for you.
Looks very simple to use. Too bad that it doesn't work on Windows systems.

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