raw_input() returns a string, so there's no need for these 3 lines:
> y = str(y)
> z = str(z)
> p = str(p)
> pagedef = ("http://www.localcallingguide.com/xmllocalprefix.php?npa="
+ y + "&nxx=" + z)
> print "Querying", pagedef
> #------Get info from NANPA.com ----------
> urllib2.install_opener(opener)
> page = urllib2.urlopen(pagedef)
> soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
> soup = str(soup)
> #------Parse Gathered Data----------
> for line in npaReg.findall(soup):
> npalist.insert(count, line)
> count = count + 1
> for line2 in nxxReg.findall(soup):
> nxxlist.insert(count2, line2)
> count2 = count2 + 1
enumerate will help you here:
for count, line in enumerate(npaReg.findall(soup)):
npalist.insert(count, line)
for count2, line2 in enumerate(nxxReg.findall(soup)):
nxxlist.insert(count2, line2)
> #-----Sort, remove duplicates, concatenate the last digits for
similiar NPA/NXX ------
> for makenewlist in range(0, count):
> sortlist.append(npalist.pop(0) + nxxlist.pop(0))
> sortlist.sort()
> for sortednumber in sortlist:
> if sortednumber not in sortedlist:
> sortedlist.append(sortednumber)
If you're going to sort them anyway (so you don't need to preserve the
existing order), the easiest way to remove duplicates is to use a set:
sortedlist = sorted(set(sortlist))