For me, there are some things I don't like much. One-character variable names stand out (tend to make the code hard to read). Violation of PEP 8 guidelines, especially wrt spacing. e.g.
result.append("%s[%s]%s" % (lastprefix, tails, lastsuffix)) not result.append("%s[%s]%s"%(lastprefix,tails,lastsuffix)) Similarly for many of the assignments and expressions. I see that you initialize count3 at line 39 but don't use it until line 123. I'd suggest that you move the initialization closer to its use. I think that you should move the call to open closer to where you're going to write to the file. In fact, you can do the thing a bit neater with a context manager like this: #------Print the dial-peers to file---- with open(x, 'w') as o: for line in catlist2: figureDpn = count3 + 1000 dpn = str(figureDpn) label = "dial-peer voice " + dpn o.write(label) o.write('\n') ... Note that if you use this approach you don't need a separate call to close(). Also, you can do all the writing in one call to write(), something like this: o.write( label + '\n' + "description *** local outbound dialpeer ***" + '\n' + destpatt + '\n' + "port " + p + '\n' "forward-digits 7" if line[0:3] == y and q == "y" else "" '\n' ) Which keeps the eye focused on the data being written (at least for me). -- Gerald Britton --