On Wednesday, July 13, 2011 05:34:23 AM Terry Reedy did opine:

> On 7/12/2011 2:23 PM, gene heskett wrote:
> > Now, I hate to mention it Terry, but your clock seems to be about 126
> > months behind the rest of the world.
> Please do not hate to be helpful. It was a bad malfunction perhaps due
> to a run-down battery on a machine turned off for two weeks. I will keep
> watch to see if it happens again overnight.
> > Does your system not run ntpd by default?
> Is that *nix or Windows?

That's a *nix name.  I have no clue what winderz might call it as I've only 
ever had one winderz machine here.  My laptop had a copy of XP on it when I 
bought it years ago, shrunk it to 10Gb and let it live for about 6 months, 
but its had several fedora's, 2 different MDV installs, and now PCLos on it 
after discovering the windows bcm4318 driver was a bigger POS than the 
current linux driver.  Everything else here is either 25 years old & 
running nitros9, or some flavor of *buntu LTS.  IOW, all my windows are 
glass.  ;-)

> My XP system only checks the net time
> automatically once a week and refused to update at first on request
> because the dates did not match. Typically windows stupidity. If I click
> 'Update from internet', it should believe that I really mean it.

Cheers, gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Swap read error.  You lose your mind.

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