On 7/11/2011 11:37 PM, Xah Lee wrote:
watch the first episode of Douglas Crockford's talk here:

The link includes a transcript of the talk, which I read

I suspect Lee likes Crockford because they both think they are smarter than everyone else. Writing about Smalltalk, for instance, Crockford says:

"I don't know why it is, but a lot of programmers just couldn't get used to this syntax. [everything is done by sending a message with arguments to some object] ...So this may be a superior notation, but it was profoundly rejected. By who? By us, by the programmers, because we couldn't understand it."

Actually, I and others see Smalltalk as deeply flawed because its message passing syntax arbitrarily breaks symmetries in operations. For instance, in the expression 'a+b', both operands have equivalent roles in the operation for all normal interpretations of '+'.# On the other hand, in the expression 'a.extend(b)', where a is a list and b any iterable and the result is to mutate a but not b, a and b have very different roles in both the operation and the expression that invokes it.

# Under the covers, Python implements 'a+b' as first 'a.__add__(b)', but it also tries 'b.__radd__(a)' if the first does not work. This introduces a slight asymmetry in that a gets first say at defining the meaning of 'a+b', but it does not get the only say. And, as far as I can presently remember, this asymmetry is never visible with builtins. In fact, this implementation makes it possible for 'a+b' and 'b+a' to both give the same answer when a is a builtin and b is a user-class instance.

Crockford is right that he does not 'know why it is' that not everyone loves Smalltalk. He should have stopped there instead of projecting his ignorance on everyone else.

As a side note, the same principle of expressions matching operations in symmetry suggest that majority of up are quite sensible and not dumb idiots for preferring 'f(x)' to the '(f x)' of Lisp. In a function call, the function has a different role than the arguments, so it is appropriate that it have a different role in the expression.

Terry Jan Reedy


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