On 2011-03-11, Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Mar 2011 11:17:08 +0200, Anssi Saari <a...@sci.fi> declaimed
> the following in gmane.comp.python.general:
>> Grant Edwards <invalid@invalid.invalid> writes:
>> > C wasn't very widely used under VMS, and VMS had it's own screen
>> > formatting and form handling libraries.
>> Just curious, what language was widely used in VMS? My VMS experience
>> is limited to running Maple for a math course in the university in
>> early 1990s. Didn't know how to do much more than start Maple,
>> probably just dir, logout (or was it logoff?) and ftp :)
> The "system" language was BLISS; though I don't know of any end-users
> programming in it.

I think I did, once, when I need to do something involving 128-bit
integers.  Or maybe I just used assembly language -- BLISS wasn't much
higher level than assembly.  I also seem to remember occasionally
seeing stuff written in BLISS on DECUS tapes, but it wasn't at all

> My 20 years on VMS was primarily F77, with some Pascal and some C.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! But was he mature
                                  at               enough last night at the
                              gmail.com            lesbian masquerade?

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