On 2011-03-10 14:55:02 -0500, Grant Edwards said:
Eh? Those are viddotex/teletext systems aren't they?
I thought the OP was talking about a character-based windowing and
form-handling library used by applications that ran under VAX/VMS on
vt200 terminals. The vt200 wasn't a TV. It was a character-based,
mostly-ANSI-escape-sequence, computer terminal connected via async
serial (RS-232 typically) to a mini/mainframe computer (a DEC VAX
running VMS in this context).
NAPLPS isn't, but you're correct about the others. NAPLPS had character
encoded graphics as well as vector drawing codes. It was based on an
earlier ANSI x.500 protocol that was used in Teleltex, etc., but I've
forgotten the exact name/designation.
In the US, most of the Teletex work was done on DEC hardware, AFAIK...
Best, Charles