On 11/05/10 23:33, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
As far as the OP's question, I'm kind of surprised that he wasn't told
that Google is his friend. The very first hit for "python caret" answers
his question. If he had spent even five seconds googling, he would have
got his answer.


The OP didn't seem to know the name for the character which makes it difficult. As they wrote in the initial message, "Sadly my google foo is failing since the character gets filtered out."

I'm guessing the OP tried to search for "python ^", and the "^" just got filtered out, which makes for a rather unhelpful search for just "python". And since the OP had already tried to google it, they weren't told to attempt it again. ;-)

Yes, with a little tweaking to the query, something like "python ^ operator" would get them to pages matching "python operator" in which they could have searched for "^", but at least they made the attempt (the lack of an *attempt* is what usually brings out the "GTFW" responses).



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