On Nov 5, 2010, at 6:51 PM, Seebs wrote:

> On 2010-11-05, Nobody <nob...@nowhere.com> wrote:
>> However, it's still written for language lawyers.
>> IMHO, the lack of a reference manual for the language itself is a major
>> hole in Python's documentation.
> I'm a bit lost here.  Could you highlight some of the differences
> between "a reference manual for the language itself" and "something
> written for language lawyers"?

The former refers to something that programmers would use to learn the language 
once they've gone through the tutorial a few times. The latter is great for 
writing a Python parser but isn't the friendliest guide to language constructs.

Take the OP's question. How is one supposed to find out about bitwise operators 
in Python? AFAICT they're not mentioned in the tutorial, and neither are 
decorators, assert(), global, exec, the ternary if statement, etc. 

It seems that plowing through a document written for language lawyers is the 
only formal way to learn about those language features, and that could be 
improved upon IMO.



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