On 10/8/2010 7:16 AM tinauser said...
hi, sorry if it is a stupid qustio,but i cannot figure out where's the
i've a simpleModule:
class Starter:
def init(self,num):
print "hithere!"
print "the answer is ",num
import sys,os
print "path:",sys.path
#f = open("/Users/lguerrasio/myfold/initfile.py",'r')
f = open("initfile.py",'r')
print "huurray!"
except IOError:
print "The file does not exist, exiting gracefully"
print "This line will always print"
The module is located in the same folder of initfile.py
now,from terminal
Only guessing here, but try launching python after you cd to the folder
containing initfile.py, then start python ...
I import sys and add to the path the folder /Users/
lguerrasio/myfold; the I import the module and execute
on mac I get an error if i do not give the full path of initfile.py
(commented out in the code above);
on windows i did not have this problem.
Am I missing anything?