hallo, i'm sorry if the question is very stupid, but i cannot understand what i'm doing wrong here.
i have this myModule.py <code> class Starter: def init(self,num): print "hithere!" print "the answer is ",num import sys,os print "path:",sys.path print "bye" try: ## f = open("/Users/lguerrasio/_myfold/initfile.py",'r') f = open("initfile.py",'r') f.close() print "huurray!" except IOError: print "The file does not exist, exiting gracefully" print "This line will always print" </code> the module is in the same folder of initfile from terminal, i import sys and add to the path /Users/lguerrasio/ _myfold/; then i import the module and call myModule.Starter().init(9) now,the file will be opened only if i give the full path, not if i give only the name of the file, although the folder is in the path. what am I missing? -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list