On May 2, 7:16 am, Wolfgang Strobl <ne...@mystrobl.de> wrote:
> lkcl <luke.leigh...@googlemail.com>:
> > at least _some_ input would be good!  the knowledge doesn't have to
> >be there: just the bugreports saying "there's a problem and here's
> >exactly how you reproduce it" would be a start!
> >> So please make it simpler for more people to help.
> > ... how?? there's a bugtracker, wiki, svn repository, over 30
> >examples and a developer list.  the code really _is_ very very small
> >(the UI widget set, with around 75 widgets, minus the license header
> >text is only around 4,000 lines _total_, making it very very simple
> >and very very easy for people to get used to).  suggestions welcome!
> Well, the bunch of programming languages and APIs I collected over the
> years is large enough already. These days I prefer to stay with python
> and c, spiced with an occasional domain specific language. That's why I
> was attracted bypyjamas, to begin with!.  If I'd like to program using
> Eclipse and Java or fool around with JavaScript, I'd do just that. But I
> don't.  IMHO, that ist a general problem of translation tools - they
> attract the wrong people, from the point of view a developer who looks
> for people sharing some of the workload. :-)
> So, Luke, I can only answer your question from the point of view of
> somebody who is mostly a potentional consumer of your work, and most
> problably not another developer. If you want to delegate some work you'd
> like not to do yourself (for example because you prefer designing and
> coding to testing and reorganizing and polishing the docs), than you
> have at least to _define_ those pieces and to monitor progress.

 the project's run on a much much simpler basis than that: anyone who
wants to contribute absolutely anything, ask, and you get svn access -
simple as that.  you get told what the rules are (code that's
committed to trunk must work, must have a commit message, must be
"single-purpose", must follow PEP8 mostly and so on - the usual
obvious stuff).

 that's pretty much it.

 the project really _is_ run on the basis of it being "a useful tool
for the developers, and if other people benefit from it that's great".

 kees wanted a better interpreter, i granted him svn rights, and in
about four to five months he absolutely smacked the compiler into
incredible and amazing shape, including implementing "yield" - fully
and properly across _all_ browsers so that it passes even the python
regression tests.

 me, personally, i would be happy with the state the compiler was in,
back in 0.5, because that limited functionality served _my_ purposes.
but, for kees, it definitely didn't: he wanted to be able to compile
http://puremvc.org python code "as-is" and that meant that the
compiler _had_ to be improved.

 so it's much _much_ simpler than "delegation of tasks".  someone
wants to do something? _great_ - knock yourself out.

 that having been said: we do have a TODO list.  unsurprisingly, it's
in the top level directory, called "TODO" :)

> >> > then please issue bugreports for as many as you feel comfortable
> >> >with / have time for.  
> Well, ok. I put my notes in a Google chart, see 
> http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0Au5LhqNQyrfCdGpDbTVjZFJwSERzV...

 ouaaaah, absolutely absolutely fantastic, thank you.  ok.  yep.  the
Controls one, someone provided a patch contributing the 2-axis slider
and base class, but it was a bit of a mess, and i belieeve it only
compile(s/d) with --strict.  i've made some changes, _thank_ you for
pointing these errors out, i've recorded them in issues.

> I had to write a short patch against compile.py (see issue 397) in order
> to make it compile the showcase examples on Windows.

 okaay, good stuff.

> In addition, I've tried to create Selenium tests for automating the time
> consuming job of checking all those examples, using Selenium IDE in
> Firefox. I was my first experience using this against Ajax apps. The
> results are somewhat mixed. Playing a round of "lightout" was a breeze,
> but so far I hadn't much luck in driving the showcase example(s). I
> didn't try very hard, though, because I ran out of time, as I do now.  

 hell, your input has been incredibly valuable, i'm very grateful for
the time you've put in.

 btw yes i started doing a UITest because yes, it's silly to have to
do so much manual work.  by writing a UITest app the goal is to be
able to run the tests automated even across pyjd platforms.  it'd be
possible but raather tricky to run selenium under xulrunner/pyjd.


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