On Apr 25, 9:37 pm, Wolfgang Strobl <ne...@mystrobl.de> wrote:
> Daniel Fetchinson <fetchin...@googlemail.com>:
> >> for fits and giggles, to show what's possible in only 400
> >> lines of python, here is a game of asteroids, written by joe rumsey.
> >> yes, it runs underpyjamas-desktop too.
> >>    http://pyjs.org/examples/asteroids/public/Space.html
> >This URL returns a blank page for me on firefox 3.3.5 (linux) with and
> >without adblock plus.
> http://pyjs.org/examples/asteroids/output/Space.html works. (Firefox
> 3.6.3 with ABP, Chrome 4.1)

 yep.  apologies.  didn't want to play asteroids, wanted to do a
release.  joe has done an updated version (that only works with pyjs
not pyjd) which has sound.  it uses a hidden iframe containing an
adobe swf plugin, and javascript to communicate with the hidden
iframe, sending it "commands" to play certain sounds at certain
volumes.  once i work out how to do the same trick in pyjd, it'll get



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