On Apr 28, 7:00 am, Wolfgang Strobl <ne...@mystrobl.de> wrote:
> lkcl <luke.leigh...@googlemail.com>:
> >On Apr 25, 9:37 pm, Wolfgang Strobl <ne...@mystrobl.de> wrote:
> >> Daniel Fetchinson <fetchin...@googlemail.com>:
> >> >> for fits and giggles, to show what's possible in only 400
> >> >> lines of python, here is a game of asteroids, written by joe rumsey.
> >> >> yes, it runs underpyjamas-desktop too.
> >> >>    http://pyjs.org/examples/asteroids/public/Space.html
> >> >This URL returns a blank page for me on firefox 3.3.5 (linux) with and
> >> >without adblock plus.
> >>http://pyjs.org/examples/asteroids/output/Space.htmlworks. (Firefox
> >> 3.6.3 with ABP, Chrome 4.1)
> > yep.  apologies.  didn't want to play asteroids, wanted to do a
> >release.  
> Sure.  :-) But you made a very prominent reference to it. Btw., 
> bothhttp://pyjs.org/andhttp://code.google.com/p/pyjamas/still name 0.6 as
> the current version. Shouldn't that be changed to 0.7?

 yes.  haven't got round to it yet.

> Two weeks ago, I played around with the trunk version, looking for an
> working drag&drop example. I didn't find anything, but noticed some
> unfinished code in a dnd subdirectory. Are you aware of the fact that
> many of the examples just don't work

 no - because i specifically asked people, in the 0.7 pre-releases, to
report any bugs found on http://code.google.com/p/pyjamas/issues and i
said that once a certain amount of time had elapsed without receiving
significant bugreports, i would do a release.

> and that there is no way of
> telling, other than by trying each one out in turn?

 yepp  that's correct.  across multiple browsers and across multiple
desktop platforms.  nine in total.  which is why i asked for community
input this time.

for the 0.6 release i spent about a month of my own time and money
doing the necessary verification, and i decided i wasn't going to
place the entire burden of testing onto my own shoulders, this time,
because pyjamas is a _community_ project and is _not_ funded by
google, PSF, or any other organisation, foundation or company.

>  I didn't look at
> every example again, but AFAIK, this didn't change with 0.7. (Tried with
> Python 2.6.4/5 on WinXP/7 with Firefox and Chrome, if that matters).

 then please issue bugreports for as many as you feel comfortable
with / have time for.  i _did_ tell people this time that i was
relying on community input more than for 0.6.  thus, the "quality" of
the release depends on collective input.

> There are quite some impressive working examples, but the user
> experience is somewhat lacking and hampered by stumbling over faulting
> examples, IMHO. May I suggest to restrinct some overview page to the
> working examples, only?

 no, because they're all intended to work.  ohh... wait... are you
referring to some of the django-based ones?  no, you can't be, because
the http://pyjs.org/examples page won't refer you to them.

> Given my original motivation for looking into it - may I ask whether
> there is a working example for a dnd operation, somewhere?

 the person who started the port of gwt-dnd requested that they be
"left alone" to complete it, but then didn't.  the use of java2py.py
and manual conversion i can do about 1000 lines per day, and people
i've guided before usually take about 3x longer than me.  i don't have
money to work on even 1 line let alone 1000, so if you'd like to go
through the code, converting it and the examples, i'm happy to advise
(on the pyjamas-dev list so that other people can contribute as well
if they choose).

 it's quite straightforward, and somewhat mind-numbing and detail-
orientated: the absolute most important thing is _not_ to "get
creative", but just "trust" the original gwt-dnd code and simply do
"rote" conversion.  java2py.py does 95% of the work: it's interfaces,
sub-classes and function/operator overloading where things get a
little hairy.  oh, and references to "self", a concept which doesn't
exist in java (and java2py.py can't help with except in one special
and obvious case).

 other than that: there _is_ sufficient in there to simply "roll your
own" drag-and-drop.  you have access to mouse events; you can create
state... it's not hard.  but, if you're counting on a _lot_ of dnd
work, doing the semi-automated conversion of gwt-dnd would be a goood


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