"Roger Binns" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Some examples are gui toolkits (eg wxPython), SSL (eg M2Crypto, pyopenssl)
> and database (pysqlite, APSW).  These aren't in the shipped with Python
> library but are widely used.

M2Crypto is a straightforward SWIG wrapper around OpenSSL, I thought.
I don't know about wxPython or pysqlite.  It seems to me that some
kind of SQL client should be part of the stdlib.  But why isn't a SWIG
wrapper enough?  The CPython stdlib has for possibly good reasons
avoided SWIG but a new implementation doesn't need to.

> You don't have to stay backwards compatible.  It is best to provide
> some sort of way of using the old extensions even if it is suboptimal
> (eg some sort of mapping shim).

Yeah, there's something to be said for that, if it doesn't cause too
much pain.

> I already get burnt out on the matrix of CPython versions and different
> platforms.  Adding another interpretter would make life even harder
> for extension authors.

There's already Jython and Python.net is on its way.  This is
something Lisp users have dealt with for decades and they've developed
workable machinery for it.  Maybe Python can adopt some of those

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