Stelios Xanthakis wrote:
> Armin Steinhoff wrote:
>>> pyvm has that. A big part of it is written in "lightweight C++" [1].
>> Realy ?  I have downloaded the lwc distribution and checked it out.
>> It was a surprise that none of the examples are working.
>> I'm using SuSE 9.0 with  gcc 3.3.1 ...
> :(
>> Is there a working version of lwc ???
> pyvm is written in lwc-2.0 which is not yet released because
> nobody's using it.

As you mentioned it ... lwc-2.0 is used for pyvm. So it is used :)

Do you have an idea when lwc-2.0 will be releast ?

Everyone who are interested in pyvm will need it ...

-- Armin

> Stelios

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