Kay Schluehr wrote:

> Yes. What we are seeking for and this may be the meaning of Armins
> intentiously provocative statement about the speed of running HLLs is a
> successor of the C-language and not just another VM interpreter that is
> written in C and limits all efforts to extend it in a flexible and
> OO-manner. Python is just the most promising dynamic OO-language to
> follow this target. 

Bytecode engine is the best method for dynamic code execution
("exec", eval, etc).  A low level OOP language would be very suitable
for a python VM.

pyvm has that. A big part of it is written in "lightweight C++" [1].
That makes it less portable as the lwc preprocessor is using GNU-C
extensions.  However, it's the same extensions also used by the linux
kernel and AFAIK the intel compiler supports them too.

So probably the bigger "competitor" of pyvm is boost-python.
And that's one reason the release of the source is stalled until it
gets better.


[1] http://students.ceid.upatras.gr/~sxanth/lwc/

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