On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 4:35 PM, Aahz <a...@pythoncraft.com> wrote:

> In article <
> 1a4707f5-85be-4f5f-ac3e-cf8f5bd21...@b15g2000yqd.googlegroups.com>,
> inaf  <cem.ezbe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >I have been following this group for quite some time and I figured
> >(after searching enough on google --and on this group-- and not finding
> >anything useful) I could pose this question here. Can anyone shed
> >some light on python's performance on Solaris? My code seem to return
> >lookups from a in memory data structure I build combining bunch of
> >dictionaries and lists 6-8 times faster on a 32 bit Linux box than on a
> >Solaris zone.
> Also, assuming that a "zone" is some kind of virtual machine, it will
> definitely impose its own overhead.
> --

This list is old and not extremely accurate but a decent representation.


opensolaris zones and freebsd jails can be thought of as an enhanced chroot
enviro.  Hence there is very little overhead wise < %1

Adam Vande More

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