On Oct 14, 7:15 am, Antoine Pitrou <solip...@pitrou.net> wrote:
> inaf <cem.ezberci <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > Good point. I failed to compare the CPU power on these machines.. 32
> > bit linux box I have is 2666 Mhz vs the Solaris zone is 1415 Mhz.. I
> > guess that explains :) Thank you for the tip..
> You have to compare not only CPU frequencies but the CPU models.
> Recently Sun has been selling CPUs optimized for multi-threading (e.g. the
> "UltraSPARC T2" or Niagara CPUs) which have, by design, very poor
> single-threaded performance. If your Solaris zone uses such a CPU then a 6-8x
> difference in single-threaded performance compared to a modern Intel or AMD 
> is totally expected.
> Regards
> Antoine.
Antonie -- yes, you are right. Even the architecture of the two types
make a difference. I was under the impression that RISC based CPUs did
not need to have a very high clock speed and that they can perform
similarly compared to an x86 processor with higher clock speed. That
is why I was a bit surprised. I guess there could be other factors at
play. That's why I was asking if there are specific things to be done
while compiling Python on Solaris. I found some tips online which led
me to compile it with a different threading lib resulting in slightly
better performance after my original post.

In terms of the processors I have, please see below for details:

Status of virtual processor 40 as of: 10/14/2009 17:13:51
  on-line since 07/23/2009 18:48:21.
  The sparcv9 processor operates at 1415 MHz,
        and has a sparcv9 floating point processor.

So I guess this is not one of those you are talking about..


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