On Oct 11, 6:59 am, Antoine Pitrou <solip...@pitrou.net> wrote:
> inaf <cem.ezberci <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > My code seem to
> > return lookups from a in memory data structure I build combining bunch
> > of dictionaries and lists 6-8 times faster on a 32 bit Linux box than
> > on a Solaris zone.
> Well, if your workload is CPU-bound, the issue here is not really Solaris vs.
> Linux but rather CPU power. You should try to run a generic (non-Python) CPU
> benchmark (*) on both systems, perhaps this 6-8 factor is expected. If only
> Python shows such a performance difference, on the other hand, perhaps you can
> give us more precisions on those systems.
> Regards
> Antoine.
> (*) for example one of the C programs 
> onhttp://shootout.alioth.debian.org/u64/c.php

Good point. I failed to compare the CPU power on these machines.. 32
bit linux box I have is 2666 Mhz vs the Solaris zone is 1415 Mhz.. I
guess that explains :) Thank you for the tip..

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