Paul Rudin wrote:

> "Diez B. Roggisch" <> writes:
>> enzo michelangeli schrieb:
>>> Let's suppose I want to create a list of n functions of a single
>>> argument, returning the sum between argument and index in the list, so
>>> that e.g.:
>>> f[0](10) will return 10
>>> f[3](12) will return 15
>>> ...and so on. I had naively though of coding:
>>>  f = [lambda x: x+j for j in range(n)]
>>> Unfortunately, each function in the list f[]() behaves as a closure,
>>> and f[k](p) does NOT return p+k but p+j (for whatever value j has at
>>> the moment: typically n, the last value assumed by j in the list
>>> comprehension loop).
>>> Is there a way of achieving my goal? (Of course, n is not a constant
>>> known in advance, so I can't manually unroll the loop.)
>> You need to capture n into the closure of the lambda:
>> f = [lambda x, n=n: x+j for j in xrange(n)]
> But be careful using such a technique with mutable arguments...

What makes "this technique" more susceptible to mutable argument issues than
any other function or method-definition?


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