On May 21, 7:47 am, s...@viridian.paintbox (Sion Arrowsmith) wrote: > Duncan Booth <duncan.bo...@suttoncourtenay.org.uk> wrote: > > >namekuseijin <namekusei...@gmail.com> wrote: > >> I find it completely unimaginable that people would even think > >> suggesting the idea that Java is simpler. It's one of the most stupidly > >> verbose and cranky languages out there, to the point you can't really do > >> anything of relevance without an IDE automatically pumping out lots of > >> scaffold code for you. > >But that means Java programmers are obviously more productive than Python > >programmers: they produce many more lines of code per day even if much of > >it is boileplate or even automatically generated. Managers like that. > > >OTOH, I consider it a productive day if I end up with fewer lines of code > >than I started with. > > A friend once justified a negative LOC count as being the sign of a > good day with the following observation: > > Code that doesn't exist contains no bugs. > Code that doesn't exist takes no time to execute. > Code that doesn't exist takes up no space. > Code that doesn't exist doesn't need maintenance.
Amusing tales. And very true too -- managers just love LOC and straightjacket programming environments. Here's what the father of Unix, Ken Thompson, said once about LOC: "One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000 lines of code." http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/k/kenthompso254858.html -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list