Sion Arrowsmith wrote:
OTOH, I consider it a productive day if I end up with fewer lines of code
than I started with.
A friend once justified a negative LOC count as being the sign of a
good day with the following observation:
Code that doesn't exist contains no bugs.
Code that doesn't exist takes no time to execute.
Code that doesn't exist takes up no space.
Code that doesn't exist doesn't need maintenance.
Why not call a day productive when the UnitTest that passed has
increased or stayed constant with reduced LOC.
Once, when faced with a rather hairy problem that client requirements
dictated a pure Java solution for, I coded up a fully functional
prototype in Python to get the logic sorted out, and then translated
it. Even given the optimisations of manual translation, and being
able to dispose of one portion of the Python which Java supplied the
functionality for out of the box (thread timeout, I think it was),
the code grew by 200%. That was a very unproductive day.
Jython ?