Sorry about that. <>
I just listened to Kojima's
"NEW Chorus Pi (Japanese) / 2:28 Chorus: MacinTalk Voices. The music was created from the constant PI."
on that page. The vocal is singing the digits of base-10 pi.
ten is . or decimal point zero is 0 inchi is 1 ni is 2 san is 3 ta? is 4 (don't understand that "ta" or "tan", but it must be 4) go is 5 roku is 6 -- in the music 6 sounds like "raku" nana is 7 hachi is 8 ku is 9
Take a look/listen to
"String Quartet Pi / 5:06 and the process of data
The music was created from the constant PI (3.141592.......) to 3,000 decimal places by programming."
Lots of details there on the music.