Paul Rubin wrote at 02:35 4/17/2005:
Dick Moores <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >C:\cygwin\bin\bc -l > pi12.txt
> But how or when do you enter the lines
> scale = 3000
> obase = 12
> print 4 * a(1)

You could put them into a file, say pi.bc.  Then run
  bc -l pi.bc

OK, now that I've got Textpad trained to open .bc files, I'm thinking of things to store in them. I'm sure I'll want to put in some remarks as well. What should I use to mark the remarks. "#", "//", or what?

The bc man page at <> is tough. Any suggestion for more easily understandable help?

And finally (maybe), is it possible to employ bc within a Python script?




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