> Now you've got me curious.  Why would an artist want the first 3003
> digits of pi to the base 12?

> He says,
> Do you know how I can get "base12 pi"?
> Because the chromatic scale is base12.
> c c# d d# e f f# g g# a a# b

He should read Douglas Adams' fictional essay "Music and Fractal
Landscapes", from "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency":

 "I believe that there must be a form of
  music inherent in nature, in natural objects, in the patterns
  of natural processes.  A  music that would be as deeply
  satisfying as any naturally occurring beauty [...]"

You can see the text here:

or via this tinyurl:


(Search within that page for the phrase "Music and Fractal Landscapes".
Or Google for it, which is how I found the link.)

Richie Hindle


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