Martin v. Löwis wrote:
Michael Kearns wrote:
There are a few problems with this as I see it. In theory, the 'cost' of
MSVC 7.1 shouldn't be a problem for a big organisation. However, I
wouldn't expect to have to go and buy it purely because I'm developing
(perhaps) a shareware application using python - this isn't my case, but
I wasn't looking at it from just a big organisation perspective.
For developers that need msvcr71.dll on the target system which don't
have a license to distribute it, the solution is simple: they just need
to advise their users to install python-2.4.1.msi. This comes with
msvcr71.dll included.
I believe there are no restrictions on us redistributing
python-2.4.1.msi either, which would suggest that it
could simply be included in an installer package, and
perhaps the relevant DLLs could even be extracted from
the msi file without having to install it... I seem
to recall someone ;-) was making progress on an msi
package for Python which might be capable of this
Of course then you'd need Python installed already in
order to install your application. On the other hand,
you could always include a copy of Python 2.3 as well,
and use that to extract the DLLs from the MSI.
Or other equally insane approaches ...