Martin v. Löwis wrote:
For developers that need msvcr71.dll on the target system which don't have a license to distribute it, the solution is simple: they just need to advise their users to install python-2.4.1.msi. This comes with msvcr71.dll included.
I understand this, and it's obviously a solution. Unfortunately it defeats the whole point of me 'freezing' my code in the first place.
The main feature (for me) of the way I could use this, was to create a simple Java launcher that didn't require the user to install anything extra, or end up with a whole stack of unused data on their machine.
They would see a .exe file, a dll and a pyd, and then the actual application files, and that was it. It may be fine for a 'knowledgeable' user to install python etc., but not for everyone.
Michael. --