"Terry Reedy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I guess I don't understand some people's determination to not have users 
> install fully useable Python on their Windows machines.

Ok, here is how you install BitPim which contains a frozen Python:

  - Download and run the setup.exe from www.bitpim.org  (The
    instructions are the equivalent on Linux and Mac)

This is how you would do it if a "fully usable" Python had to be put on a

  - Download and install Python from www.python.org
  - Download and install wxPython from www.wxpython.org making sure to
    get the correct platform, Python version, wxPython version and Unicode
  - Download and install pyserial from pyserial.sf.net for your platform
  - Download and install win32all making sure you get the right Python
    version (Windows only)
  - Download and install DSV from sf.net/projects/python-dsv
  - Download and install APSW from www.rogerbinns.com/apsw.html
    (Non-Windows users will also have to compile SQLite 3)
  - Download and install the BitPim code
  - There are a few other components which non-Windows users typically need
    and Windows users don't (eg USB library)
  - Now launch the main Python script to start BitPim

The uninstall instructions have the same corresponding lengths.  Now for the
second part, you could make some arguments:

   - I shouldn't be using other components in order to reduce dependencies
     and should instead re-invent the wheel myself.
   - I could make some sort of installer that did all the non-Python 
     pieces and it would have to be compatible with anyone else doing the same

The first is a waste of my time and effort, and I do the second except I also
include the Python interpretter meaning there are no dependencies.

> Also, I think it a bit 'anti-social' to hide usage of Python.


The reality is that users don't care what language your program was written in,
what development methodology you use, how hard it was to write, what editor you
use or how your environment enlightens your mind.  They do care that what you
produce works as expected.  In fact if it works really well, they may decide
to dig in deeper and try to emulate your language, methodology, procedures,
editors in what they do or may contribute to your project if it is open source.
That is the point at which Python matters.

In all these matters I think it is better to lead by example rather than try
to make people aware of things early in order to perform some sort of attempt
to gain mindshare.



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