On 2008-10-31, Shawn Milochik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Easy. Make a desktop shortcut which includes the parameters, etc.
> People do that all the time, including for GUI apps such as Internet
> Explorer which have some optional command-line shortcuts.

> The only thing you have to do is make sure that the Windows machine
> associates files with the .py extensions with the Python interpreter.
> The easiest way is to right-click a .py file, select "Choose an
> Application," select the Python runtime, and check the box for "always
> use this program.

Ok, trying that...works, but the window doesn't stay open, so we can't see the
results. Any way to do that? Sorry for the Windows-101 tutorial.

DOS box vs Console: I'm sure they use the same icon...

Sattre Press                                The King in Yellow
http://sattre-press.com/                 by Robert W. Chambers
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         http://sattre-press.com/kiy.html

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